Sunday, April 19, 2009

We didn't do it!!

14th Article of faith: We believe in organized games, in having fun with others and sharing our knowledge of new games. We also believe that as we come to act upon organizing these games we will be given chocolate. We now also believe the fire department will respond when the alarm in the church goes off.

We started off with musical chairs, because what young child doesn't love a calming game of musical chairs????

We moved on to Uno. It's a fun game that doesn't require reading skills. Perfect for kids!!
Right about that time, the fire alarm went off.

At first we weren't sure if it was real or a ploy by the elders quorum presidency to get more elders there! Nevertheless, we waited outside for the firemen to show up. Either way it worked. Brother Fails arrived to save the day, but was a little too soon for the dessert.

Sorry guys!( we didn't pull the alarm, really, it was some weird wiring thing) From there we broke up into groups and some had fun with Scattergories:
While others learned the very fun, quick game of Speed Scrabble:Andrew and Cameron played on a team and thought they won until the words were closely examined. Sorry boys you lose qecqo and wasert are not real words!! You LOSE!!!!

That's right, all these fun things happened and after the appropriate time of waiting I got my chocolate.

1 comment:

Cyndie said...

Way fun! I'm glad somebody takes my kids to these kinds of activites. :) And, are you quite sure that those words the boys made up aren't real words ...?